
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Many visitors, so few followers...hmmm?

I've noticed through my sitemeter that I may get many visitors, but yet I still have only 3 followers here on this blog. (which, btw, I thank immensely for stepping out of their comfort zone to follow me). It got me to wondering why. Could it be the name of my blog, Witchie's Cavern? Could it be the content isn't interesting enough for others to want to commit to following the blog? Could it be that others are afraid to step out of their box and learn something new and different? Could others be thinking that I'm out there? Different from them, so not worthy of their time? That because I'm not a "God-fearing" individual, my blog isn't worth their time?
(you can click on any picture to see it bigger)

A portion of the Witch's Rede, generally called the Wiccan Rede. Click HERE for the whole Rede.

I don't know the reason for this phenomenon, but if people would just set aside their prejudices for the moment...they don't even have to check out my other two blogs; Witchie's Place & SLD Merchandise to see I'm a normal person (just like they are), a normal mom of 5, living life no differently than they are...then they would see that:
1. No, I do not stand over a cauldron boiling bat wings and eye of newt.
2. No, I do not curse or hex anyone, because that crap comes back on you!
3. No, I do not denounce my government, God & other religions, or any other such nonsense.

4. No, I do not hold sexual orgies in my home (or anywhere else for that matter), it's impossible with two toddlers anyway!
5. I do not do human, animal (or any other species!) sacrifices! (Even if I don't like bugs!)

6. I do not consort with the's hard to when you don't believe in it in the first place.
7. My broom is for sweeping, not riding on.

8. I do not have warts...anywhere on my person.
9. I do not run around skyclad (that's naked to you muggles) in the woods, chanting in midnight. It's dark and scary!
10. My skin is not green, my teeth are fine and my hair is brushed every day.

Witch Hazel

1. I do light candles to celebrate the lives of those I love, to meditate, and because I love the ambiance.

2. I do read the Tarot (and am quite good at it...accurate).
3. I do have familiars (spirits who aid a witch in witchcraft, most commonly animals), 3 in fact...and YES, they are cats but none of them are the stereotypical black cat...I couldn't find one that would accept me!
4. I do celebrate all of the well as Christmas & Easter...and yes, my favorite non-holiday IS Halloween...go figure!

5. I do have an altar set up on my bureau to honor and worship the Goddess...just like you all have some sort of worship center in your home to pay homage to your deity.
6. I do have a pointy black hat, a few in fac
t, and a very pretty purple one...they hang on my wall over my altar. (the purple hat, taken off the wall for the moment to get a good picture.)
7. I love taking pictures and doing enhancements.
8. I love playing with my boys at the park, tossing rocks in the stream, feeding the geese and playing on the slide.
9. I love doing arts & crafts.
10. I find the t.v. show Castle hysterical!

So, you see, aside from the different way I worship, I'm no different than anyone else in this world. I live, I breath, I laugh, I cry, I blog, I do a lot of the things everyone else does. I hope this clears up a lot of the misconceptions surrounding the term Witch and understand, this applies only to me. I do not speak for any other Witch because it's not my place to do so. I do not intend for this blog to try and convert you, only accept me for who and what I am.

"An it harm none, do what thou whilst."

Much Luvz, Witchie!


  1. I am one of the three followers! I think your blog is great and love that you are Wiccan. My best friend Meesh'l is Wiccan and she is the most kind hearted, giving person you could ever find. I think just be yourself and who you are and people who judge are not worth it anyways.

  2. Thank Stacie, for not judging me and accepting me. btw, I'm not a hardcore Wiccan either, I don't really follow any particular religion, which is why I can accept everyone for who they matter what they believe in, lol!

  3. You're perfect Momma. Don't let anyone ever make you think otherwise. Hop over to my blog, you've got an award ;) Click HERE


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